If you own a project, private business, a handcraft, a clinic, pharmacy, a labor or any other type of business, you can ...
If you have an existing project and your sales are through POS on the electronic payment devices MEPS, you can get the ...
If you are one of business owners who deal in cheques and forward sale, now you can have the speed and required liquid ...
Are you a non-Jordanian? Do you have an existing business? Do you have limited access to finance opportunities?We at ...
Because we constantly work to support SMEs, SANADCOM have designed a variety of loan products that aims at creating solid financing ecosystem that is tailored to support SMEs and promising entrepreneurial businesses in breaking through towards success...
Our latest news and events.
Mr. Mohammad took funding from Sanadcom to import goods from abroad and develop his business.
General Director of Pro Hands and Minds Academy.
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